
Mother mother the sticks album
Mother mother the sticks album

“Worry” sounds like it could be the cover of a long lost Tamrons acetate, being played by The Fall. The hypnotic guitars are actually not unreminiscent of early Spacemen 3 or Jesus and Mary Chain. Is it a huge mass of perhaps everything Chris Jack listens to? One wonders if he opened the floodgates on his musical tastes and just let it all come through? The brain penetrating heavy fuzz, and Maureen Tucker-esque rhythm of opening track “Thousand Forgotten Dreams”, instantly tells you we are again on a new, different tangent. It’s not exactly your typical garage, it’s not exactly psych it’s not exactly any one thing in particular. The nasty Japanese fuzz pedals, and very simple guitar leads stab through the wall, and stick into your brain. The stripping down seems to have the opposite effect, of creating a huge, thick, heavy wall of sound. They have stripped everything right down in the playing department, with leader Chris Jack playing pretty much everything apart from the drums. This time The Routes seemed have strayed far from your average garage bands comfort zone.

mother mother the sticks album

From the start, you can tell it’s not going to be your stereotypical garage album. “In This Perfect Hell”, the fifth album by The Routes, brings you ten original songs.

mother mother the sticks album

It doesn’t seem to matter what they do, and who plays in the band it still unmistakably sounds like The Routes. The Routes always seem to be do something different stylistically on every record they release from their largely R&B influenced debut album “Left My Mind”, to the playful US garage drenched “Alligator”, to the Strummin’ Mental madness of the “Instrumentals” album, right up until “Skeletons” in 2016 which saw them on more of a modern garage punk trip.

Mother mother the sticks album