The dialog box can be divided into two sections, with the top section showing dependent variables and independent variables. The dialog box is titled “poisson - Poisson regression.” A set of six tabs appears immediately below the title bar as, “Model,” “by or if or in,” “Weights,” “S E or Robust,” “Reporting,” and “Maximization,” with “Model” in the selected mode.
Fruit servings eaten daily, 6 Frequency, 415 Percent, 0.12 Cumulative, 99.93.Fruit servings eaten daily, 5 Frequency, 2,141 Percent, 0.59 Cumulative, 99.82.
Fruit servings eaten daily, 4 Frequency, 4,378 Percent, 1.22 Cumulative, 99.22.Fruit servings eaten daily, 3 Frequency, 19,118 Percent, 5.31 Cumulative, 98.00.Fruit servings eaten daily, 2 Frequency, 50,655 Percent, 14.07 Cumulative, 92.69.Fruit servings eaten daily, 1 Frequency, 167,614 Percent, 46.57 Cumulative, 78.62.Fruit servings eaten daily, 0 Frequency, 115,355 Percent, 32.05 Cumulative, 32.05.The data presented in the table under varying conditions appear as follows: The table coded “dot tabulate fruits” shows the frequency distribution of the number of servings of fruit consumed daily. The parameters of GLMs are typically estimated using Maximum Likelihood Estimation. The link function typically involves some sort of nonlinear transformation, which in the case of Poisson regression means that the expected value of the dependent variable-its mean-is a nonlinear function of the independent variables. GLMs connect a linear combination of independent variables and estimated parameters-often called the linear predictor-to a dependent variable using a link function. Poisson regression is one example from the family of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). Because of the similarity between the Poisson probability distribution and the normal distribution when the mean of the count variable in question gets larger, Poisson regression is best suited for dependent variables where the mean is relatively small-for example, less than 10. As a count, the dependent variable must be an integer equal to or greater than zero-you cannot have a negative count of something. Poisson regression models explain variation in a dependent variable that records the count of something as a function of one or more independent variables.